Saturday 22 February 2014

Touching Base

Hello there! It's been a little while, but I'm making a concentrated effort to get this blog rolling again.

For this post, I'm going to discuss something that disconcerts a lot of people I've spoken with who have Patrons; the ebb and flow process.

Having a Patron, or even a Totem or other sort of Spirit Guide does not mean that you will be privileged with 24/7 attention. As with  many such things in my life, these things are subject to an ebb-and-flow pattern. For all of the months in which my intuition feels especially active and I see many signs from my Patrons and Totems, I will also experience periods of time in which my intuition seems dulled and I receive very little contact from any of my Guides or Gods.

I don't regard this as especially worrying, personally. I've mentioned in a previous post that my Patrons are not especially hands-on when it comes to my emotional development. Hermes tends to stand off to the side and leave me be - though he'll occasionally let me know he's still around, just not qualified to help. Anubis is currently not active in my life and so leaves well enough alone on principle, but I don't feel that he has lost interest. Loki, on the other hand, has been indirectly involved with my previously mentioned emotional development, largely by disrupting what was clearly unhealthy in the first place and prompting several revelations. If anything, I suspect the three of them are hanging back and waiting for me to fully bounce back from the ordeal.

As for my Totems, I have encountered them in my dream-walking stints a little less frequently, but I find that I feel no less connected with them. If anything, my connection with Crow feels much stronger, and I encounter them more during the day than I usually would. Lately, my boyfriend and I have taken to leaving bits of food out for the local murder, and we've even fed them fruit - though, of course, not by hand. They're very cautious birds, in addition to being quite clever. Usually, we'd place something like grapes or a bit of melon or something else we knew they could eat safely on the ground, then we'd turn away and walk a few paces off; after a few minutes, we could glance over our shoulders and see a crow or two checking out the food we'd left behind.

Some people find the ebbing of their contact with their Patrons and Guides to be very uncomfortable - some might even associate this ebbing with a sense of being abandoned, in a way. My advice is to be patient and to look at any recent changes in your life; you might just have to get through a new stage in your life on your own merit for a time. Otherwise, it may be that while you have grown attached to your God or Guide, you don't actually need them at the moment.

As always, if you have questions, I'll try my best to answer!
