Sunday 19 August 2012

Identifying Your Patron Deity

Now, this is a bit of an interesting topic, as it is highly subjective at best. I suppose I should cover some of the really, really basic stuff before I begin.

Firstly, not everyone has a "PATRON GOD" (or Goddess) in the sense that this deity has been with your forever and will never ever leave you and is the primary influence in your life. In fact, some people don't have any Gods which even passingly influence their lives. While working with deities is quite common, being God-touched -having one or more patron deities with a vested interest in you- is actually pretty unusual. I am gifted with such a status, as is my sister and one or two of my friends, but the vast majority of the people I know are not.

It's not actually a happy sunflowers-and-rainbows-and-puppies deal, despite what some people think. Those who are God-touched have difficult lives, overall, and a number of struggles to overcome. They tend to be tied to Gods because they genuinely need their patrons, or because they are needed for something to be accomplished. Being God-touched is not having everything suddenly made easier for you because you have Zeus in your corner; if anything, everything gets that much harder.

Those involved with energetics can identify those who are God-touched, if they are skilled enough, as a random side-note.

Secondly, most of the time you don't get a say in who or what your patron deity is. They choose you, for the most part, and enter your life when they feel you are ready for them or simply when you need them. Some paths encourage individuals to seek out and choose their own patrons, but that gets a bit complicated when the subjectivity of it is brought into play. I was raised to believe in the Norse pantheon, for example, but my primary patron is Hermes, a Greek God. I had a hard time reconciling that for a while, I admit, and even went so far as to foolishly declare, "Okay, fine, but I need a Norse God to make this culturally acceptable! I'll take Loki if I have to!"

To be fair, Loki was already present in the periphery, but he's not too good with ignoring open-invitations like that. Particularly the stupid ones which let him cause trouble. If ever there was a God who needed to wear a warning sign with a dozen caveats in tiny print on it, it's Loki. Great guy, but rather prone to destroying your comfort zones, ruining your life (however permanently or temporary) and stomping on whatever self-delusions you might have... all in your best interest, of course, so that you can figure out your problems, get help if you need it, and move forward with a much healthier perspective on things.

...Yes, that may have happened to me recently. Shush.

Thirdly, if I can escape that particular tangent, just because one God likes you, it does not mean that his siblings or other pantheon buddies will. Anubis and Osiris may be your bestest best friends ever, but don't just merrily assume that Hades and Hel wants to hang out and party solely because of your association with two other Death Gods.

I'm well-liked enough by some Tricksters, but I'm not stupid enough to wander over to Anansi and ask for a hug. I don't like spiders. Spiders don't like me. I think that is fairly indicative of how that encounter would turn out, don't you?

Now that I've covered those three things, let's move on, shall we?

How to Tell if You Have a Patron:

Firstly, people with patrons tend to be drawn to items, ideas, or animals associated with their patron deities. I am fond of turtles and hawks (creatures of Hermes') and encountered them often as a child, for example. The tricky bit here is to be aware that there is a difference between an animal representing a patron God and a Totem. I do not have Hawk as a totem, but I run into such birds representing Hermes now and then, for example, while I do have Turtle as a Messenger Totem and see turtles functioning as a representation of Hermes fairly often. Here, you have to rely on your intuition quite a bit for the distinction.

Secondly, when your patron thinks you are ready to have them in your life, they usually send signs of some sort - commonly referred to as a "thwap." Those signs can be personal symbols of the deity, such as the caduceus for Hermes, or frequent mentions of the deity's name in unlikely places. As another example, it got to the point where I couldn't turn on the TV, read a book, or go on the internet without seeing something related to Hermes or Mercury. Some Gods will contact you via dreams, as well, or you will meet them while you dream-walk or meditate.

The first time I encountered Hermes during a dream-walking sequence, we started shouting at each other. He wanted me to stay put where he could keep an eye on me, and I wanted to explore the strange new environment I was in. It eventually degenerated down to, "Stay here!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "No! I want to go over there!" "YOU WILL STAY PUT." "NO, I WILL NOT AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME."

As first impressions go, I admit I possibly could have done a bit better. Despite that initial spat, though, we actually get along very well.

Thirdly, if you truly do not want to interact with your patron God, you do not have to. Do not fall into the line of thinking that you have to go against your current beliefs and drop everything once a new deity appears. It's your choice, ultimately, and even Gods tend to respect that. If you're not ready, then you're not ready - most deities will fall back into the background and wait until you're ready to handle them if you react badly to an initial encounter. Some, admittedly, may push you into accepting them, but usually only if it is a change in your life that you really, really need.

Some people have an easier time sorting out who their patron God is than others. For some individuals, it's as easy as meditating and the God in question come to you and outright says, "Hello, you're one of mine. Be a dear and acknowledge me in your life, would you?"  On the other side of the spectrum, however, some Gods will only give your hints and nudges in their direction with the idea that you need to figure it out yourself.

When you have multiple patrons, identification depends on a number of things. In my case, my Gods came in a single-file sort of routine. Hermes introduced himself and made himself known, then Loki appeared very briefly to let me know he was present but not active, then Anubis appeared while I was helping with a healing process for a friend and took an interest. Some people, however, get caught up in a sea of deities trying to get their attention and have to find a way to deal with that.

Another thing which should be noted is that not every God that appears in your life is automatically a patron. Kokopelli, a Navajo Trickster, is not one of my patrons at this stage in time, but he does show up now and then to see how I'm doing. We don't really talk or interact much, but he appears to be curious enough to wander over and take a peek at my life when it suits him. Similarly, I share my name with the wife of Loki, Signy/Sigyn, but she is not (as far as I can tell) a patron of mine, either.

Now, I cannot caution you enough about avoiding Fluffy-Bunny Syndrome. For those who don't know what that is, a Fluffy Bunny is someone who thinks that every minor thing that happens to them is somehow magical, God-related, or spiritual.

If your door abruptly slams shut, you can identify the Fluffy-Bunny in the room by looking for the person who automatically assumes that there is a demon in your house and is already starting to exorcise it. A non-Fluffy Bunny will check to see if there's a strong wind coming through a nearby window which would just have easily resulted in the door closing on its own.

I have a rule of three about this sort of thing, particularly where Gods and patrons are involved. If something happens more than three times in a row, I will tentatively assume that it is not a perfectly ordinary event and consider investigating it further. Less than three, and it's not worth paying attention to.

If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment below and ask!


  1. Thank you for our post I enjoyed it very much. However I have some questions. How can you tell the difference between a patron deity and a god/godess that is just curious? and you say if your first encounter with a diety was bad they'll stay in the background, so how do you get them out of the background? and are patron deities temporary?

    1. You're very welcome!

      Typically, you can tell the difference two ways. The first is the easiest: a curious deity will go away after a while, whereas a patron will stay with you for a very long time. The second method is to try and see if a new deity has begun to influence your life, or has been doing so for some time; that's sometimes an indicator of having that deity as a patron as well.

      You can't really make a deity come out of the background - sadly, they are not susceptible to being lured out with cookies, either. :) The God will appear when they wish to try again, or, depending on the God and how negative the reaction was, he or she might just move on to someone else for the time being.

      Yes and no. Some patrons are with you for your entire life. Others, however, are only with you for a particular stage in your life, after which they pass the proverbial torch over to someone else. Sometimes you can have a lifetime patron who phases in and out of your life depending on what you need and what the deity in question is prepared to do. Hermes, for example, tends to do a "radio silence" routine when I'm under a great deal of stress or emotional distress: it's not in his job description to deal with emotional upheavals, after all.

    2. I hv recently become more clarevoint allways had it cant controll it i look 4 sines recently got big 1 from 3 oldest pagan gods 1 goddess hecete odin etc still reserching auburn ca i believ alot older than thought and numrous types of entities druids forest gaurdians i mean alot reading 4 warstarted t weeks ago2 days ago i took pics with ny phn and thts what i got plus some of thr worshipers in full garb pagan celtic druid native indian saxon spiritual pressure a little overwhelming rt now old magic coming bk like times of merlin thy hv all gatherd hear ive gotton flooded with info what does this mean

  2. I've had several experiences within the last week where I heard someone I know (different people each time) calling my name when those people weren't even where I was. I'd had a dream before those times (right after I became a dedicant) where a man named Morpheus introduced himself to me and told me everything was about to change so I needed to make it known I worship the gods. Should I look more into this because if it really is the god and not just my mind playing a trick on me, I'd like to know what he has to say.

    *Note: I had never read any myths about Morpheus or anything on any dream gods until after all of that.

    1. Hello! I'm so sorry for my inexcusably late reply!

      If you haven't already done so, I would recommend giving things a go. If it's a trick, you'll just feel silly after. If not, however, you could potentially be opening the door to a new world of experiences. The decision is ultimately up to you, however; I don't claim to know everything and I certainly don't claim to be an expert in this area.

  3. Can I get some advice concerning patron deities? I apologize in advance if I'm unwelcome or whatever, but I'd like some clarity on this situation.

    Ever since I was a very small child, I was drawn to Anansi, and he'd always be in the back of my mind. However, I grew up catholic. But (And I'm slightly afraid of spiders, so the irony is not lost on me lol) it's always been Anansi, Anansi, Anansi. Recently, my mother passed away after a long fight with cancer, and since then spiders have been showing up in my house all over. It's like 38 degrees out and snowy and there are spiders everywhere. I feel like its a sign of some kind.

    1. Of course you're welcome! I can't imagine why you wouldn't be!

      From the sounds of it, you do indeed have ties to Anansi. I'm not sure if the appearance of so many spiders in your home is related to this, or simply due to your house being more hospitable than the outdoors, but the timing certainly warrants some attention.

      It's not for me to definitively say yes or no when it comes to signs and one's relationship to one's own patron, but my best advice would be for you to trust your intuition. If your gut tells you it's a sign, it might very well be. I've mentioned in one of my posts that I tend to have a rule of three - if something happens more than three times, I give it my attention, but before that I'm likely to dismiss it as coincidence or random happenstance. Obviously, that's not a hard and fast rule for everyone - it's just what works for me, really.

      As for your phobia, don't worry - I'm terrified of spiders, and yet they always crop up in my dreams when I'm suffering from writer's block. Anansi is quite the storyteller, after all.

  4. Thanks for the cool blog. Hermes is also my patron god. I hate to admit this but me and him have a lot in common, him being the god of thieves etc. (I'm Kleptomaniac which means i just like to take things) But now we believe (me and Hermes) that Bridghed, (Celtic goddess of fire) is taking an interest in me as well. I don't really know what to do to be honest but it's nice to know i'm not the only one who has Hermes as a patron.

    1. Hello! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to reply! Thank you very much - and the combination of Hermes and Brigid makes a lot of sense, particularly when you factor in that both have a talent for language.

  5. hello, im mentally ill and trying to see if i have a patron deity. I asked my cards who my patron deity is and i got the queen of cups. So a goddess associated with love and motherhood? im still really lost.

    1. At a guess, I would suggest investigating Venus/Aphrodite, possibly Freya/Freja, or even Isis or Brigid. The Queen of Cups is strongly associated with emotions and the element of water, so I'd point you in the direction of a goddess associated with love or mercy or compassion. I hope this helps!

  6. Hello, I'm new to paganism but I've always felt this strong draw to it my entire life. Only now that I'm older do I feel secure enough with myself that I am researching it and trying to learn the ropes. I've very little knowledge on pagan gods- but my entire life I've felt this strong draw to animals. Cats specifically, but others too, they are drawn to me. I also have quite the green thumb and enjoy gardening- I was wondering if there are any gods or goddesses you would recommend I look up or meditate on?

    1. From your description, I'm almost inclined to say that you're headed more on a path dealing with Totems and Spirit Guides - but, then again, I started off in a similar manner myself. Cats are strongly associated with Freya/Freja, as well as Bast/Bastet, if you wish to focus on that angle. As for you skill with gardening, I'm tempted to say Idunn/Idunna might be the one for you. This is mostly speculation on my part, however - you'll know when you find the right one for you.

  7. Hey :) Okay, so I'm new-ish to the patron deity investigation, though I do pray to several gods (greek, mostly) none of them really pulled on my attention. I did some investigating, and though there is very little information on her, I believed that Nyx was a possible patron of mine. I always felt secure in the dark, several people would talk about night and darkness in the most random of times, and I had dreams and thoughts of someone in the darkness, almost waiting for me.

    So I tried connecting and have so far felt nothing. Nada. I looked up other gods in the greek pantheon tied to darkness. And...Hades. It made a lot of sense actually, because since I was a child I had dreams of death and they never scared me. Darkness frequented, and several of his symbols, like his ebony throne, had come to me in dreams. But he won't connect beyond that. Am I looking too deeply into this or just doing something wrong?

    1. From what you've described, I'd say Hades is a likely suspect. Nyx is a bit complication, as she's more of a primeval Titan than a God; I don't often come across people with Titans for patrons, but I suppose it's not impossible.

      I'd wager that you're not doing anything wrong, per se, but rather in too much of a rush to connect. A deity will refuse to make further contact until they believe you are ready - which may not necessarily be when *you* think you're ready. Not all deities go for the hands-on approach, it should be noted.

    2. What is the difference between a Titan and a God? How do they still exist if they were defeated by the Gods?

  8. I enjoyed your article. I am a student of the mysteries, studying the occult, Paganism, Magick, Mysticism and more now for some 18 years. I am a former member of a Golden Dawn Order, and recently joined the A.'.A.'. and another magical order. I am really a newbie as far as practice with magick and that sort of thing, having only been practicing for about four years. (I have been practicing Astrology and meditation for 15 years.)
    After all of these years the one thing I have never tried, and one thing I am completely oblivious to, is working with and communing with deities. I have no clue how it works, what to expect, what to look for, nothing. Articles like yours do help, but I think as with many things in the world of the occult and mystery traditions, one has to do the work and just try things out before really learning.
    Now, recently I had taken on trying to work with Isis. I really dig Isis, and I am certain she answers prayers. I will continue to hold her in high esteem, but nothing profound or significant has happened. I can't help but feel I should try working with others at this time. I can always work with Isis more later.
    So, yesterday afternoon I sat down, invoked the Divine in a universal way, and called out to the universe and all of the gods and goddesses, with the assistance of Isis, to show me or reveal themselves to me whoever might be my Patron Deity (or Deities). I offered up an orange candle (in my mind Orange corresponds to the Sefira of Hod on the Tree of Life in Qabalah, which is the sphere of Mercury, hence, communication, so, just humor me for a moment on that), and asked for signs, dreams, synchronicity, or any means of communication to let me know.
    I went about my day. Later last night I came across your blog and this article. I found this curious. Anyway, last night I had a dream. That dream was not necessarily significant itself, however, the part after the dream and just before waking did seem to be significant. As I was on my way to waking up, I had a strong dream scene take over and some dialogue. Basically, I saw this entity come up from the ground and rise before me with a thundering rumble. He was giant, maybe twenty stories high, in a robe, and appeared to be a grey-haired wise man with curly hair, and a grey, bushy beard. He held in his right hand a long staff. I would almost swear he declared himself as Zeus or Jupiter (I couldn't hear the name, but I thought of him as one or the other). There was a lightning strike to the upper point of his staff, and the staff itself looked like it might be in the shape of a lightning bolt (think of the staff of Zeus in the modern movie "Wrath of the Titans"). He also stated clearly "I have been with you your whole life". I then had this inner dialogue with myself recalling the lightning symbols throughout my life and my liking for the symbol (Harry Potter's scar and the use of it in the title logo, the symbol for shock rock and Marilyn Manson, The Sowilo Rune which resembles the lightning bolt, my Norse heritage and the significance of the swastika which is another variation of the lightning bolt, and so many more examples throughout my life). I've even recently been using the Kenaz and Sowilo runes on top of one another in a way to make them look like a lightning bolt as my signature on my artwork (Kenaz=K, Sowilo=S, KS being my initials).
    Having read your article on totem animals I know my Life Totem is an Eagle and Hawk (it will appear as either), and Zeus/Jupiter is associated with the Eagle.
    This cannot be coincidence. I will take your advice and wait for at least three incidents before drawing any definite conclusions. Your thought, if any, on this matter would greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Luceat Lux Vestra.

    1. Essentially, Zeus/Jupiter answered your request - and quite clearly, at that. From what I gather, he's usually fairly straight-forward and blunt like that.

      If you don't have Zeus/Jupiter as a Patron, I will be very surprised. I'm acquainted with someone else who has Zeus as a Patron, and they've expressed many similar experiences to yours. Your dream pretty much confirms it, as far as I can tell.

    2. for me i did a prayer/ritual to find my patron/patroness and woke up hearing the name Zeus repeat in my mind. (i don't remember dreams well unless they're nightmares.)

  9. hello, i was wondering if you could help me identify my patron, im drawn to ancient weapons, i am always treated well by animals in general, most of my dreams involve some sort of combat, and i find peace when im practicing martial arts. may i have an inferrence please?

    1. Definitely a war god. Hands down. I'm tempted to say Ares, but that's not necessarily who it actually is. If you want to narrow the suspect list down, you might want to investigate different cultures and mythologies centered around war-focused deities. Try to figure out who and what you're most drawn to in this respect - even if Door Number One doesn't have your Patron behind it, it's usually a step in the right direction.

    2. in reply to your earlier comment im drawn to three things: the sword, fire, and wolves

    3. could my heritages give some insight? im irish, french, german, and native american.

    4. Heritage does not necessarily come into play here, although it can play a huge factor for some people. I'm Norwegian/Scottish/Irish/Welsh/etc, but two of my Patrons are Greek and Egyptian respectively, for example.

      Unfortunately, as a result of this, I really can't tell you who your Patron might be. There are a huge number of possibilities, and what resonates with me will not necessarily resonate with you. A significant part of discovering one's Patron is introspection and self-analysis, as well as delving into the myths and legends that strike a chord with you. The best advice I can give you is to start reading up on various myths and legends involving war gods, from a variety of cultures.

    5. well three do stand out to me: athena, camulus, and the valkyries

    6. something in my head kind of clicked with Goibniu, the celtic god of smiths, fire, weapon-makers, jewelry making, brewing and metal working.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hey!! Please reply to this. Since i was little i have loved watching horror movies and loved combat. I have wanted to try out martial arts for years. When they aked me ''what do you want to be when you grow up'' when i was five i said....wait for it....''a murderer''. yes. I'm a 16 year old girl and i LOVE old weapons. Cutlasses, thing. Not kidding. From the age...8 to was for about a year max i loved Anubis and reading about him but i have always been feeling something towards the greek pantheon. and when i hear ''Ares, god of war'' i'm like ''HECK YEAH!!'' So...maybe he's my patron,huh? I just...its odd, but i really feel drawn to him. Oh and Hermes is a part of my life, but maybe not that strong...what you said totally fits him lol :)

    1. Based on your immaturity, it is hardly likely that either Gods have taken interest in you, or are your patron.
      (Also, if you think it's okay to think like that then you are a psychopath.)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'm in a position where I feel stuck. Ever since we were taught about the Greek Pantheon in sixth grade, I was intrigued with it. I tried to read every book I got my hands on that had information about it. I was always fascinated with Apollo and every myth that came along with his name. I'm fairly new to Paganism even though I've been studying it for quite a while now. Recently, I don't exactly remember how, I came across a post that was talking about Patron Deities, much like yours. Immediately, Apollo popped into my mind and I thought it very possible that he could be mine even though no signs had appeared. Now around last month, I was suddenly interested in looking up the Egyptian God Set. He was another God that sort of floated around in my head. I ended up spending several hours reading about him. It was kind of difficult to find sites that didn't think he was the worst, which sort of bothered me. With all my sudden interest I began thinking of Set possibly being my patron. The next day my younger sister had been begging me to come outside to play with her and almost as soon as I was out a large crow swooped over my head. It took me a while to mentally recover considering my fear of birds, but then it occurred to me that it could of been Apollo, since crows are one of his sacred birds, saying, "Hey, remember me?" in his own way. So I stopped researching Set, but felt wrong about doing so. Im glad I found your blog because I really need to know what to do about this. I know you can have more than one patron, but to me it doesn't seem fair to the gods.

  14. I'm glad I read this. I have only just started on my pagan path although I have been reading on and off for years. I believe I have a rather nasty trickster of my own following me through life. I did not realize it when I was younger, only knowing of the Christian God, I would blame and hate him. Now that I'm older I have come to love and respect him and his presence in my life. His interference has made me a stronger and more confidant person. He seems to be the only God taking an interest in me... So I'll take him.

  15. Hello, I was wondering if you could enlighten me about something. I grew up in an atheistic family, and was raised this way. But I've always felt attracted to pagan gods, since my childhood (mostly starting with Egyptian gods). I've experienced strange events, but mostly ignored it to avoid getting involved into something too demanding for me. Recently I felt the need to go back to meditation and tarot reading. I got curious about finding my patron deity. When I asked my card, I got the Queen of Pentacles. Do you have any idea which goddess could be related to this card? Thanks.

    1. Not the original poster, and sorry for the very late reply, but the Queen of Pentacles might have to do with magic (I'm not a tarot expert so don't quote me on this). If so, probably either Isis or Maat for the Egyptian goddesses I know are associated, though Isis is more probable, and Hecate from the Greek side.

      Hope this helps!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hi, I was wondering if you know of any hard polytheists who blog with insights on the God Dionysus, particularly if their patron is Dionysus. I want to know in general what He is like beyond the common generalizations in our society and also what His followers tend to be like. I don't know if he is my patron deity because I try not to jump to conclusions but I suffer from disability and poverty so maybe there is some being in the universe that cares, because no one else really does. Any of your insights into Dionysus would be appreciated. I am surprised I feel drawn to a male God because for a long time I have been a radical feminist in the vein of the anti-male ones. This is how I know there is truth because it goes through my ideologically held beliefs and makes me question them, and I feel the urge to drink wine even though I am someone who has never drank (grammar?) and swore I would never. I feel weird and wrong that no Goddess so far holds a strong pull to me, only Gods, despite my once firmly held ideological beliefs (they are more shaky now) and also a bit of relief. I don't know if Dionysus is one to shake one's ideological foundation. I have a lot of 'false thoughts' thinking the opposite of what I actually think so I don't know if I would trust my own insights into Gods or anything really. For example I might think- 'That person is so ugly!" when I actually think they are beautiful. Insights into The Gods are always valuable so I'm glad I found your blog. Are Dionysus and Cernunnos related?

  18. Hello! I am a recent follower of the Hellenistic Philosophy, and since then (and now that I think of it, even before then) I have been reading things that inexplicably find their way back to Artemis. I have also been in nature and around animals my entire life and have always valued its protection, and I also have maintained the desire to remain "pure" for the duration of my life. I have researched Her more thoroughly and have realized that most of these attributes align with Hers. Is this enough to be convinced that she is a Patron Goddess of mine, or what else should I be noticing in order to know? Thank you!

  19. Hey, I'm a new follower of paganism and I'm not sure if you're still answering questions but I'm just wondering if this can actually be confirmation of my patron contacting me. I was meditating after going through a tough death of someone special to me, as I was, I began asking a question one of what path should I take? Didn't get an answer for a while until I said 'anyone if you hear me' then as i asked that a symbol appeared in my mind. It was the yoni, the symbol of the divine mother, Shakti, in Hindu religion, of course I didn't know this until I got up immediately and went a head and research the image. As I searched up Shakti I instantly felt drawn to her, she blossomed in my eyes and it was just a powerful and amazing energy I felt inside of me it was amazing. Soon, I delved deeper and deeper into the other versions of her, realizing that the yoni symbol was much more specified to Parvati, a Goddess of love and devotion, I felt a much more connection Parvati as I realized how much more in common I have with her and I finally felt as though I found what I needed, what I've been searching for. So I was wondering, could Shakti be the one who lead me to her? Or is she my patron goddess?

    I'm also starting to believe that perhaps Anubis is one too of mine, as I was looking up the image of the yoni, an image of Anubis was right beside it and when I gazed upon it I felt as though I was in a hypnotic state, like I couldn't pull away, something much different from the empowering feeling I got from Shakti. Also, when I went off to search for the exact same image on the exact same site, the picture of him was gone! Are they sending me messages or am I just looking too deep?

  20. Hello, I'm fairly new to paganism so I apologize for this. But all my life I have always liked owls, and a few have been watching over me I feel. When I was younger I saw one hurt and I tried to help it but my grandmother drove me away because she was scared it would hurt me. I used to hear them outside my window at my dads old place as well.. One goddess I have always been drawn to is Athena.

    Another thing is, when I was younger (and even now) snakes have been attracted to me, but hey have never hurt me. I'm unsure as to why this is. But once I was playing near the creek where a poisonous snake lived and it came out and we stared at each other, I didn't feel any violent thoughts and I don't believe it did either until my father came out and killed it. Once a man brought another poisonous snake to my school, with his mouth shut with rubber bands, and it didn't want to be held until I held it. Then the snake calmed and the man let the other students hold it. I have many stories about how snakes are drawn to me, but I will spare you the details.

    Another thing is that every time dogs see me they cower and growl and bark at me, none of them have ever attacked, but they seem to be frightened by me.

    And the other night I was meditating and I asked who was my patron God or goddess and I said I was ready and one word popped in my mind and hasn't left since. That name is Set. I'm assuming it is about Set from Egyptian mythology and I would like to ask for your thoughts on this.

  21. i have a feeling that i do have Loki but im kindof unsure. i do LOVE snakes and i own one that is drawn to me. im terrified of thunder and lightning and from my reading up Loki doesnt much like it as well (go figure). i love tricks, pranks and all that. i do have a facination with Loki as of recently and i enjoy drawing his scepter and i ejoy drawing dragons which can be considered a Snake of a type. I cant help but wonder, could this outline of what looked like him be him hinting or is it just my mind playing tricks on me? im very well known to have a short temper with people much similar to how loki manages to, well, "pee" people off alot. im known though to also have a great sense of humor but if i dont like something i can be very very (even harshly) blunt about it. I dont like it when ppl talk crap about Loki at all such as alot of people call him "evil, chaoticly mean," even "annoying". sure hes got one heck of amusement ideas (go figure.. -rolls eyes-). ive also started trying to sketch out his armour. Can you tell me if loki is hinting at me its him? or is it someone else?

    1. also ive handeled lots of snakes even had a few wrap around my neck, but theyve never hurt me. i do know one of Loki's symbols i guess you can call it is 2 or 1 snakes in a figure 8 biting its tail/the others tail.

  22. (My message is long so I made it into two messages).
    Hello, I’m wondering if you could help me. I’m new to paganism, and I don’t have much help in figuring things out. I’ve picked up some books and gone to the internet for help, but there is only so much I can do without direct guidance. I’ve been wondering for quite sometime who my patron god/dess is, or if I even have one. I believe that there is something or someone there. My interest began a little over two years ago. It was a very eye-opening time for me, one of self awareness. It was scary, because I did not understand what was happening. I was very overwhelmed by a series of events that I was pulled into, but now I can look back at them and try to make sense of it. It began with me seeing things that others did not. I saw shadows begin to move and felt presences of what I believe were spirits. Some were very tall and had the figure of a human, others were short and rotund. A couple of them ventured very close to my face while I lay in bed at night, but most of them quickly scurried across my room or hid around doorframes and in corners. I could even make out eye-shaped spheres where some of their heads were. I was very, very scared of them in the first few months and it caused me a lot of distress. But I’ve become tolerant of these shadows or spirits, and I’m hardly scared by them anymore. But they’re still here. I’ve never tried to contact them or cleanse my house because they haven’t harmed me, so I don’t see why I need to bother them. Then began the dreams. They became incredibly vivid and intense. I don’t think that they’re lucid dreams, because they don’t fit the definition of them. But I can feel in them; pain, temperature, intense emotions. All my senses are heightened. I can hear, see, smell, and feel anything (I haven’t tasted anything yet, haha). I’ve shared an exact dream with a friend of mine before, and I’ve also had some almost-prophetic visions in them (which is kind of funny considering my name is Cassandra). My dreams usually always relate to my life in some roundabout way. I had one dream two summers ago which was my most vivid and impactful vision I have ever had. In it, I met a very powerful being. He (I assume it was a he) was cloaked in dark robes and where his face was, there was darkness. He was looming over my dream self and another boy next to me. I’ve never seen this boy before, but he looked achingly familiar. The hooded figure said something that I could not understand and raised his hand towards my forehead. I noticed thick black lines on his arms, it looked as if he had painted them on. Then I felt an immense power flow through me. It’s indescribable, but it was the most powerful, elated feeling I have ever felt before. To this day, I still crave that feeling surge through me again. It didn’t feel good (good as in positive) it felt very dark and negative, but I loved it. Anyway, I met that hooded man and familiar boy twice, in two dreams, one night after the other. I’ve never seen them since. Another night about a year ago, I was sleeping, but I was fully alert and awake. I was still in my body, but I could see the pitch black space of my mind.

    1. I started talking to “myself” or to whom ever replied to me. It sounded like a woman, her voice was calm, serene, but firm. This was a time of my life where I was very fearful, and I reached out. I asked her why I was so fearful, and when was it going to end. She replied by saying that I would discover in time, and that I need not to worry. After speaking to her for a few minutes (I asked who she was and she only said I would know in time, she was very mystical), we said our farewells and I drifted off into a deep sleep. Now that I think about it, I think I could’ve been meditating or in some sort of trance, but I’m not sure. I’ve always held a fondness to nature, especially the mountains and forests. I feel energized and elated when I’m in the woods, or breathing fresh air. I find peace and serenity in water and on earth. But when I’m in water (like taking a shower), when ever I close my eyes, I can always see two more staring back at me. Sometimes when I close my eyes I see flashes of images. I’m not too sure what I’m always looking at, but most of them are frightening. I can’t get a good look at them before they disappear, but quite honestly I don’t know if I want to. Sometimes I think I can feel a presence touching me on my hand, or more often on my shoulder. When I’m lying in bed at night, on multiple nights, I have felt the end of my bed shift like someone is sitting down on it. I hear voices call my name at night, sounding crisp and clear as day. They don’t speak to me, just call “Cassandra” every now and then. Sometimes these events spook me, but I’ve mostly become used to them. I tend to notice birds very often. I usually see a couple of crows everyday, and I know they’re indigenous to our area, but they always seem to be perched somewhere where only I can conveniently see them. I also have experienced a strange experience with starlings before. I was looking for an omen one day, and I was looking towards birds. I come home from school and I kid you not, hundreds upon hundreds of starlings are in the trees around my house chirping and whistling up a storm. It was breathtaking. I’ve also always been in love with music. I grew up listening to my older sister play her viola and play in her orchestra. I fell into a musical school career as well, with me being in chorus (with a fairly good natural voice) and theater. I also have a natural talent for dance and acting. I adore traveling and exposing myself to new cultures and experiences. I’m very intelligent, and I’m always calculating precise decisions on everything and anything. I write poetry and short stories, and create films in my head. I love reading and fantasizing of another realm… I’m incredibly creative, if you can’t tell. I’d call myself an introvert as much as an extrovert. Those are all of my most memorable experiences (or at least those that I can recall). I hope you can help me make sense of this.

  23. Hey, I'm new to this and have never been bothered by the thought of murder. Also when I was younger I would dream of people dead inside hallways with slits and cuts all over them. I don't know if I'm a lunatic or it a god trying to reach me. I can't find one can you help.

  24. Hi, I just started my spiritual journey about a year ago and I've been researching the occult ever since also been looking into different paths seeing which ones I'll like to go with. In February I had a dream (it felt so real never had a dream like that before) I was approach by two beings one was covered in plants more like green moss his head look almost like a chia pet it round bushy and his face was in the middle it was a darker yellowish green with two black horns one on each side of his head. In this dream I was scared shitless and in a panic the big green guy grab me and held me in his arms until I came to senses and calmed down then we just looked at each other that's when this other being came out of nowhere his energy was so intense it was like an explosion went off he had pinkish orange skin look like those people who spray tans themselves he had milky crystal eye' s no hair and he had no nose or mouth instead he had finger thick tentacles wiggling straight out he was standing in a weird stance. About minutes after he approached me I woke up like at 3:30 am tired drained and couple days after a lot of weird things been happening and I'm not scared more kinda curious but I got this strong feeling telling me to find out who they are and it's been driving me bananas so I started researching about 2 weeks ago and I'm still searching. Look I'm very new to this and I know that I don't know nothing and I understand that I understand jack shit! So if you can shoot an advice my way I would appreciate it. You and your friends you talk about stay AWESOME and don't forget to bring a towel.PEACE!!!!

  25. Hey! So i was bored one day and randomly discovered Kemetism and Hellenism (lol), and became super interested in Nyx. After tons of research and questions i 'introduced' myself to Her. Literally two days after I go on a trip in a different city than the one i live in and there are deer related shizzle EVERYWHERE! I know deer aren't associated with night but for me, I see them slowly edging out of the woods at night into their clearing under the moon and stars to graze and rest. So, to me they are associated with night. Also, there were more cranes than usual; like the deer, i associate them with night as i see them stalk out of the reeds at the edge of a pond silently and skillfully. I was just wondering if you think this could be a sign that Nyx has acknowledged me?

  26. I'm in a predicament here and would like to ask for some help/ guidance. I'm quite young yet I have been fascinated with mythology and the thaught of gods/goddesses for years now. It started when I would observe the night sky, and be drawn to it and be come attached. I can stare up at a clear night sky till the sun rises. I feel drawn to the moon and stars and creatures with black fur. However recently I have hit a bump in the road as my life is falling apart, I suffer from quite intense anger issues and have become quite aggressive. At school I had an anger brake down and was sent to the counsellors office and apparently was saying something about been good in darkness/ how I love the darkness. A little while back (I have really intense dreams that I can remember some for as long as a week in detail) any ways one really stood out. It was where I was out in the woods at night( another thing I'm attached / drawn to) and someone told be to look at the stars, it went something like this.

    "Child, look at the stars."
    "I always watch the stars and moon, why should I now?"
    "Child, look at the stars"
    I then was laying on my back in a clearing in the woods looking into the night sky.
    "How much longer? I've been looking at the stars for ages."
    "Yes child, but are you seeing them?"
    Months have past and I still remember this, how the moon looked and the nebulae in the sky. Of course I have done research on this subject but I can't help feel like this means something. Would this be a clue from a deity or am I just being niece and dis respectful of thinking such thing. Since that dream everytime I look at the night sky I feel as though someone is with me? Sorry for any burden this may be. Thank you.

  27. Hello! I need some guidence! I've been practicing wicca for a few months. About 4 months in to my path i felt the need to identifty a patron. I studied a lot of gods, and felt the most connected to Hades. I've always written stories about this particular character that reminds me a lot of Hades. I've always felt very close to this character and have been writing about him since i was a kid. However, that is really the only sign i have gotten from Hades other than my gut intuition. I tried to meditate a few times to try to find my patron, and i have gotten nothing. I left my search alone for about 3 months, but now i feel ready to try again. I also feel a bit of a connection with Odin lately, so i decided to try to meditate and contact my patron through ritual. This time a weird thing happened, i was imagining myself walking through a forest, and when the trees cleared my patron would be there. As i was walking, saw a figure behind a tree, and a voice whispered "Loki". I kept walking and passed Loki and when the trees clwared i saw the man who was supposed to be my patron, i saw his face and his appearance (Shoulder length black hair, handsome, short beard, black leather outfit that looked fancy but vaguely of armour, and he was young 30's - 40's) and he smiled at me. I then asked him what his name was, and i got nothing. The vision was interrupted and i lost the connection. I kept asking him for his name even after my eyes were openedand i was still in a half-meditiative state, but i got nothing. I'm really conflicted now. I have heard Hades often gets angry if you don't take him seriously, but yet he hasn't given me obvious signs that he is my patron so i have to explore different avenues, but i dont want to anger him, because if he clamins me i will be elated. And i'm suprised that Loki made a strange apppearance, and maybe he was the one that made the connection break down when i asked the name. I don't think he'e my patron because he's obviously playing tricks on me, but i just don't know who is anymore! I'm worried i'm doing too much of my own selection and not letting someone really choose me. That's why i'm really confused about Loki, becaused i never thought of him even a little bit as a patron and i never felt a connection with him, but he just randomly appears for the first time!
    Give my your suggestions for how to approach finding my patron. I do not want to seem unworthy to Hades or Odin, or whoever is my patron out there. I will be loyal to them but i need them to make the move now, give me signs. Please let me know what you think of my situation and give me your suggestions! Also if anyone knows about what it's like to have Hades, Odin, or Loki as a patron please let me know. Let me know if you recognize the god i saw from my description, don't be limited to those three that i mentioned, it really could be anyone now i think.

    1. I dont know if you ever figured it out, and I noticed the writer of the blog hasnt answered anyone in a while :(

      I have been searching for clues as well, and in my search , I came across a few people on facebook who have Hades as a patron. Try looking them up their. If you have any questions, just reply and I will receive them to my email.

    2. I dont know if you ever figured it out, and I noticed the writer of the blog hasnt answered anyone in a while :(

      I have been searching for clues as well, and in my search , I came across a few people on facebook who have Hades as a patron. Try looking them up their. If you have any questions, just reply and I will receive them to my email.

  28. Hello!
    I am curious to know if I have a patron deity. I have always had a strong life-long connection to woodland forests, wolves, crows, darkness, and the moon. I feel complete, content, and calm when I’m around them. I often feel as though I’m being watched throughout the day and at night. It’s worse at night though, because I can feel a presence there following me and watching me. I have a connection with the ocean, but it not as strong as my connection to the forests and etc. This incident happened while I was at the beach with a friend when I was younger and I was waist deep in the water. I wasn’t paying attention, and there was this huge wave. It crashed down on top of me and I was being thrown beaten on the ocean floor. I don’t know how long I was under the water, but when I finally came up for air another huge wave crashed down on top of me again. I was under the water a lot longer and I was being beaten even harder. I blacked out. Then there was this bright light and a silhouette of a man stood there. He told me, “My child, it is not your time yet. You have so much you still have to do. You haven’t done your job for me either. You’ll know what to do when the time comes. But, for now you must live and enjoy life.” I woke up on the beach, and my friend had told me that I was under the water for five minutes. Could any of this tell you if I possibly have a patron deity? If a reply isn’t to much of a burden, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! :)

  29. I know this is an old article, but I am very curious about something... I sat down the other day and spoke loudly saying I am ready to find a goddess to worship, and that I wish to have spent she may be show herself to me, or give me some hints. Within the 24hr period afterwards, there was a crow knocking on my father's window. It did this multiple times until I finally went to go check. After I came to the window, it sat on the fence, stared at me for a few moments, and then flew away. Could this be a sign from the triple goddess Morrigan? I was hoping to get a sign from Freyja, and when I made this request, I also made it apparent that I would like to worship Freya, but that I am open to any goddess who wishes me to worship her. Then the crow came within the same day. I've also had a couple sucks coming around the house wanting to be fed, living in the front yard, and I have seen some wandering dogs off their leash... Why all these connections with animals?? I am 1/8 Seneca Indian, and my cultural background besides that is mainly German/Irish besides the American Indian. Any ideas? I'm very much drawn to shamanism and Entheogens.... I'm not sure what to think right now. I'm also a very creative person in love with art, music, and beauty. I'm a Taurus. I was born May 2, ironically the day after Beltane, which Freya is associated with. I am going to consult my tarot cards and pendulum to set of I can get more answers for the time being.... If you can, and it interests you, my email is Thank you...

  30. I know this is an old article, but I am very curious about something... I sat down the other day and spoke loudly saying I am ready to find a goddess to worship, and that I wish to have spent she may be show herself to me, or give me some hints. Within the 24hr period afterwards, there was a crow knocking on my father's window. It did this multiple times until I finally went to go check. After I came to the window, it sat on the fence, stared at me for a few moments, and then flew away. Could this be a sign from the triple goddess Morrigan? I was hoping to get a sign from Freyja, and when I made this request, I also made it apparent that I would like to worship Freya, but that I am open to any goddess who wishes me to worship her. Then the crow came within the same day. I've also had a couple sucks coming around the house wanting to be fed, living in the front yard, and I have seen some wandering dogs off their leash... Why all these connections with animals?? I am 1/8 Seneca Indian, and my cultural background besides that is mainly German/Irish besides the American Indian. Any ideas? I'm very much drawn to shamanism and Entheogens.... I'm not sure what to think right now. I'm also a very creative person in love with art, music, and beauty. I'm a Taurus. I was born May 2, ironically the day after Beltane, which Freya is associated with. I am going to consult my tarot cards and pendulum to set of I can get more answers for the time being.... If you can, and it interests you, my email is Thank you...

  31. Even before I began exploring religion and why I feel drawn to the Greek gods in Particular, I've had odd occurances I can fail to explain. On two accounts I've felt a rough tap on my shoulder late at night (first on my right and second on my left) then on multiple accounts I've heard my name called by A rather a gender/feminine voice.
    Followed by (upon analyzing) creatures apparently associated with the god Hermes (such as deer, hawkes, and turtles) could they be connected or am I looking too into this? My email is if I fail to see your message back. Thank you BTW, the info above has helped me immensely

  32. Even before I began exploring religion and why I feel drawn to the Greek gods in Particular, I've had odd occurances I can fail to explain. On two accounts I've felt a rough tap on my shoulder late at night (first on my right and second on my left) then on multiple accounts I've heard my name called by A rather a gender/feminine voice.
    Followed by (upon analyzing) creatures apparently associated with the god Hermes (such as deer, hawkes, and turtles) could they be connected or am I looking too into this? My email is if I fail to see your message back. Thank you BTW, the info above has helped me immensely

  33. Kali ma has made an appearance in my life for the past few years though I have not noticed it till this past year, She has helped me after I made so rather stupid decisions. Though I have only really had emotion based experiences with her. Anyways part to of my ramble, As of late I have been feeling more drawn to the Egyptian art work and myths. specifically I felt drawn to the Egyptian god Anubis and even felt compiled to buy something that represented him. Is it possible that he could be another one of my patrons? Or am I just looking to deep into things?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Hi um...... Well first of all ive always been my most happy and calm at night so im thinking that Nyx might be one of my patrons. Secondly..... Every night for the past few years i have had the same dream. In it there is a person (i cant tell if its a man or woman) in a black robe covering his entire body but i trade my life for someones so i have no idea who it could be. Think you can help me out.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Hello, and good evening, I just read your essay on patron deities, I've been thinking I have been contacted by Hecate, through a dream, I recall I was in some place, like an old castle, an all of the sudden I started whistling and calling a dog,like when you want to pet him but he is nowhere near...what came next was not a dog but a black stone crucifix sliding through the floor, I recall grabbing it and holding it like if it was my own dog, right after that the dream ended with me seen a parchment of 3 women (young,grown up and old),the only 3 women I know in this form are the ones that Hecate symbolize, another thing is that Im really sweet with dogs, hell nearly any dog I know starts wagging its tail to me without me doing anything...(another association with her) and this has been nearly all my life, and last but not least I've been increasingly growing an appetite for the occult(anything and everything) just before the time I had that strange dream. Would this be her?, I've only dream like this once...And I can recall having a bad string of luck the week following this, does this mean that if it was her, did she became mad cause I didn't paid heed to her? is that a possibility?

    1. The old ruins/castle and the dog could symbolize Lupa (A roman goddess) and the 3 women could be the greek 3 fates or the norse norns

  39. Hello, and good evening, I just read your essay on patron deities, I've been thinking I have been contacted by Hecate, through a dream, I recall I was in some place, like an old castle, an all of the sudden I started whistling and calling a dog,like when you want to pet him but he is nowhere near...what came next was not a dog but a black stone crucifix sliding through the floor, I recall grabbing it and holding it like if it was my own dog, right after that the dream ended with me seen a parchment of 3 women (young,grown up and old),the only 3 women I know in this form are the ones that Hecate symbolize, another thing is that Im really sweet with dogs, hell nearly any dog I know starts wagging its tail to me without me doing anything...(another association with her) and this has been nearly all my life, and last but not least I've been increasingly growing an appetite for the occult(anything and everything) just before the time I had that strange dream. Would this be her?, I've only dream like this once...And I can recall having a bad string of luck the week following this, does this mean that if it was her, did she became mad cause I didn't paid heed to her? is that a possibility?

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Hello there. I'd like to start by saying my name is Megan. You see, I've been very conflicted with this. One moment I feel a presence, but the next they're gone. In fact, sometimes I feel like I'm hated by patrons or whatever. What if you don't have one or are nothing but an enemy to the gods or flat out disliked? I'm conflicted because I am unable to tell what's going on. It's really hard to tell who my patron is if I even have one.

  42. Not sure If you are still replying to comments, but My goddess, Nyx has already made herself known to me but has seldom spoken and I'm just wondering if that happens often with a lot of the old gods and goddesses. So far she has lead me to two of her stones, agate and moonstone. but she has not said much since. I am still new to this experience and any help is appreciated. Blessed Be.

  43. Hi, according to your post ,not everyone has a deity in their life. I feel like I really need one as so many awful things have happened to me. Honestly, at least half are of my own bad choices. I was raised catholic, but had contact with the faeries when I was little, I'm very intuitive and have been asking for a patron deity to come in my life. I have seen a scary woman several times, I believe to be nicnevin, but I wouldn't think she would be there for me?

  44. Hi, I just attempted to find my patron or matron tonight. I was told to meditate on a white candle outdoors and to focus my intent to finding my patron or matron. Long story short (still long), I very seriously think its poseidon. I've always looked up to him, and acknowledged him, even throughout my catholic upbringing. I just genuinly believed in him, however I was much too scared to say out loud I thought he was an actual god. You know, with the ten commandments and all the hellfire jazz that was shoved down my throat since birth. Anyways, like I said, I've always looked up to him, and revered him. I am an aquarius, but my elements are fire and water(I know its an air sign😂) and today is tuesday, and a new moon (I read up on him further when I got back inside and found out tuesday is the day of the week associated with him and that new moons are important to him) , also the night i learned poseidon is most likely, if not definitly my patron. O chose to meditate by the lake outside. s I was meditating, my thoughts drifted to him, and then my candle blew out and not 5 seconds later I hear a pack of coyotes howl out in the distance. I've lived here almost a month now and havent heard them once until tonight. So I thought on it, and tried to relight my candle just in case, and keep meditating, however, the damn candle just would not light! Every time I got it lit a strong gust of wind would blow it out. I then decided I wanted to see if my friend, who claimed to have a djinn under control to help his friends with any magic theyd need help with, he instructed me to just light a candle and focus on intent. As I was about to light the candle a voice in my head told me not to do it (it wasnt my inner voice either, I swear I can tell) so I didnt, I did however say out loud "If you are my patron god poseidon, then show me a sign, and I'll build you a shrine on the lake" (I specifically suggested a splash in the water of the lake, and quickly corrected my promise about the location of the shrine, as I cant build on top of a lake, so I quickly corrected nyself and said lakeshore instead) and not 5 minutes later I hear a loud plunk in the lake.
    I should also mention that I've always been good with horses, love love love water, love fishing, and have always been fascinated by poseidon and atlantis.
    Do you or anyone you know have any experience with poseidon being their patron deity? Does that sound like him to you or them?

  45. I am having trouble identifying what could or could not be signs of patron gods/goddess' interacting with my life. Firstly, I am drawn towards oceans and the sea, the air, and darkness/mystery (I'm very interested in things like the bottom of the ocean and exploring unknown things). Secondly, many days I will hear, see, dream, or read of something like a name, reference, or an image about 3 times in one day ( an example is I will read about something like a saying/name and then throughout the day I will see it again twice more), it happens maybe one a week. If anyone knows about a god that is mischievous and deals in the elements of the sea/ocean and air let me know, thank you.

  46. I should have mentioned I have reason to believe my patron god, or just one of them if there is is multiple patrons for me, is Poseidon. I believe it might be Poseidon because I got into spearfishing awhile back after I saw someone doing it and felt drawn to the sport so I read into it and got myself a polespear (a long pole with an elastic band at the end and a spear tip on the other) with a three pronged spear tip a bit like a trident and as soon as I got in the water I got my first fish with it. Coincidentally I tried other spear heads and the one I did best with was my three pronged spearhead (I never left empty handed when I used my three prong). This could be a coincidence but when dealing with gods you never know.

  47. Im not new to Wicca, the full practice of some things yes. But i know more on the religion since for a period of time my mom was a practicing Wiccan. I was trying to figure out my patron deity. Ive felt a strong pull towards freya. Ive looked into her a bit more since i know more things on Norse mythology and gods and such. but ive never really looked into her. one place said one of her symbols is cats. I have 2 who are both spayed. never really been the constant affection affection give me love lets cuddle type. both of them have been in my room more, giving kisses, 'hugging'(our term for them putting their paws on your shoulder while you scritch them) and just being more cuddly all around. i was wondering if it as possible.

  48. Hi, I've been seeing lots of ancient Norse healing and fertility runes and it's like everywhere I go I can sense people's feelings... Would this be a sign of Frey contacting me

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I talk about this topic off and on with my boyfriend (who is athiest), but I only ever called Hecate my patroness to myself. I never knew if that was actually the correct word or phrase for it. This piece was very insightful and helpful for me.

    I started to get into Paganism at the age of 16. I just did a bunch of reading to start, along with collecting any objects I thought might assist me on my path. I practically lived in the library and online, constantly researching every aspect of paganism and spirituality that I could. I've been reading about such things, quite seriously, since I was about 13, but I called myself an atheist for those 3 years because I didn't know any better, until one day I picked up a book from the library that changed my life and told me everything I needed to know. So I started reading up on different gods and goddesses, obviously feeling like I should use deities like Demeter and Zeus for any ritual work I might do, but it just didn't feel right in practice. I kept reading about all these different deities from different cultures, also feeling like I should be more drawn to Celtic deities than I am, since I have such a strong draw to, and interest in, the culture and history. Again, that just never felt right in practice. It just happened and wasn't a conscious decision, my feeling of kinship for Hecate. I even felt guilty, like I was being negligent by not also having a God that I would use in rituals. I tried to, but it never felt right.

    Over the last 10 years or so, Hecate has been such a strong presence in my life. I know that I can rely on her to always be there. Any ritual work I do, big or small, involves Hecate, pretty much exclusively. I have also found I am drawn to Kali and Lilith, but not to the same extent as Hecate. There is just something about Hecate. She feels almost like a grandmother to me. I feel so secure with her as my patroness and I love it.

    I don't have any questions, I just felt like sharing my story for those who might find it helpful or interesting.

  51. Let me just say that this article hit me in a particular way. I've never had an easy life - NEVER. There is always another shoe dropping, always a difficulty to overcome and always something happening no matter how hard I try to avoid it/hide (especially medically). With that said I've always thought/felt there was a reason for it and I would never change what I've been through as it has made me who I am and I accept who I am, good and bad. A lot of times I felt like just throwing open a door and asking whom (or multiples of whom) is behind it but I've thought this is asking for trouble, no? I have enough to deal with in my life to have more havoc and to intentional cause it myself. Is there a "safe"/"safer" way to ask who's there? I'm open to all gods/goddesses as I have never really gotten into one specific area. I was raised Lutheran and have dug more into Druids and their way of life which aligns with mine a lot as far as principles and perspectives. Also - thank you for being so open and sharing this - not always an easy thing to do but for those of us finding our way it helps greatly.

  52. I'm not sure if I have a patron. I was a Christian and I have always liked owls. I always liked owl necklaces and bracelets, owl things of the sort. It was so big that my mom would always get owl stuff for me as a joke. I also have always liked Athena as my favorite Goddess in the stories and have always admired her for her intelligence. How can I tell if she is my patron or not?

  53. Not a question, just wanted to say that yeah, I totally understand what you mean with Loki needing a dozen hazard signs on him. Oh boy. Ooooh boy. Great guy, fun to be around. Comply insane.

  54. I have seen anubis now in my dreams more than 5 times..also he has apeared in tjree oictures i have taken. Also i love dogs. Also have seen horus in the same way and the same amount of times.

  55. Hi. I am really really new to this Pagan stuff, and when i mean new i mean i know nothing about anyof the Gods whatsoever. But i was wondering is it slighty possible i might have a Patron or No?

  56. Just started reading through your blog and thoroughly enjoying it thank you for creating this blog.I think you are very lucky to have such a good relationship with your patron. I'm of Indian heritage but have never felt been drawn towards towards the Hindu gods, and I believe I only think about 'God' due to my christian upbringing. Needless to say I have no idea who could be my patron. I've always been drawn to the moon, the stars, and the ocean. But I can't seem to find any deities that are associated with all three of these themes. I do believe someone nudges me in the right direction even if it is hard. I hope one day I will either figure it out or they will reveal themselves to me.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Hello, I'm not sure if you are still replying to these comments but I was hoping that I may be able to ask for your insight. I have been a pagan for over ten years, and I come from a bloodline that has been practicing for a long time.
    There has always been things around me and I am a bit of an empath. Four days ago, I ended up having a slight break due to the stress of things that have been happening and I went for a walk and ended up at a bridge near my home. I had decided to mediate to calm down and I randomly felt a presence so i looked up (it was pass midnight and it felt like a physical presence was there) what I saw was something wearing a grey hooded cloak, it had pretty markings on the cuffs and around the hood. I looked up and couldn't see in the hood, but felt the need to look away. It listened while I vented and stayed with me when I decided to watch (what I'm assuming is) a gator move in the water below. When I decided to go home it stayed so I didnt think much of it but I've seen it everyday since and the weird thing is its energy feels safe and kind but I have never felt anything like it so I feel cautious, I asked others of different religions as well as other pagans but no one has any clue as to what it is. Do you have any thoughts as to what it might be?

    1. Not the original poster but from what you wrote and from my limited knowledge in mythology, most of the gods who use cuffs are the Egyptians (I think) and the only known croc/alligator aligned god I know is the Egyptian God Sobek.

      Hope this helps...

  59. I'm new to paganism and this patron deity stuff, and I want to ask a few questions.

    My whole life I've been drawn to water, I have always been a "guppy" in the sense that I'm always the first one to get in the water and the last to get out (for a period of time I wouldn't go in the ocean bc of a bad tumble and was tossed around, but now I'm fine in the ocean), and I grew up fishing and basically every time I'd be the first to catch a fish and catch the most out of everyone there. For a long while my favorite animal was the dolphin, although I love and feel a connection to all animals. I also have been through my whole life very family oriented, growing up with 3 older siblings, and would be one of the more compassionate and peaceful of whatever group of people I'm in.

    One little story I want to put in is that one time when I was out to the beach last summer, is that while my brother was building a sand wall to block the waves bc they were getting higher, I jokingly said that I'd hold off the water, and stood in place, and (jokingly) asked Poseidon to hold off the sea, and it didn't have as big waves then. (Idk if that means something or if the ocean was just going into low tide)

    I'm also trying to be unbiased because I grew up reading the Percy Jackson series and wanting to be a child of Poseidon like him, and have always really loved the greek (and Roman) pantheon and their folklore. (Also when reading the pjo series i related to Hestia and loved her in the series bc she's great)

    Also, does Artemis actually have a group of huntresses? Because if so then that's awesome.

    1. Probably should've said, but River isn't my birth name, I chose it for myself because it suits me, in case that would've influenced anything (and if it helps, my mom prayed to her God (Christian god) when she found out she was pregnant with me, and he told her to name me Faith)(I also was raised Christian but never felt a connection with that religion (I'm a pantheist tho))

    2. Not the original poster, but it does seem that you have a connection with Poseidon, or that he liked you enough in that moment to listen. From what I've heard that's pretty rare to non-sailors so kudos.

      Never read the series of Percy Jackson, but I do agree that Hestia is awesome.

      For Artemis, I don't think she has a huntress posse anymore.

      Know that if any contact you again, you just have to take that leap of faith. After that the connection is stronger and conversation easier.

      Hope this helps!

      Also, what is your definition of pantheism? There are two.

    3. My definition of pantheism is that all gods from all religions exist (though not as powerful as their religious text says; no all powerful omnipotent God's exist in my belief)

    4. In that case I'm a pantheist as well, though I sort of see it as a hierarchy of gods and beings.

  60. Hi, so I'm about a two year along eclectic witch who was drawn to paganism for years before finally pursing it.
    Odd things happen to me constantly, but I have a imagination who if I didn't know better I would say was sentient instead of my own brain screwing with me and so I can never tell if something should be played attention to or not.
    I'm a history, English and art nut and I have always been drawn to the norse pantheon more than anything else.
    My friends have noticed animals like me quite alot-I've never had one growl at or bite me, and my grandma's cat who hates everyone has 5 separate times crawled onto my lap.
    Bees in general seem to find their way to me, as do squirrels and ravens-though that might be because I find reclusive places, sit quietly, and give them food.
    I don't know if I have a patron god or goddess, I've never really attempted to look. Back when I first started I tries a tip a friend gave me to see but a) I was a kid and I assumed everything and never followed rules exactly and b) my imagination

  61. Hi, I recently started out researching (and practicing, for the most I could) paganism. I've always been intrigued and drawn to paganism and wicca (I know there's a difference, don't worry) and a while ago I suddenly felt the urge to start researching it. When I heard about patron gods and goddesses first, I didn't pay it much thought as I considered it a very religious thing and I had no interest in religion at the time. But recently I started thinking about it, and for a while I thought it might be Athena, seeing as I've always had a love and connection with owls, one of her symbols, I value wisdom and I thought I had a connection. I dismissed it, thinking I was Fluffy Bunnying. Recently, I lost two seperate pieces of owl themed jewelry (earrings and a necklace with an Athenean coin pendant, it had an owl and an olive twig on one side and the face of Athena on the other side). About the same time my connection with Poseidon resurfaced (I had a great deal of interest with him, to the point of it being a connection I think when looking back). I found shells in my cellar, from a beach trip ages ago and mum said she thought she had thrown them away, one of my friends gave me more seashells randomly, I remember hearing the sound of the sea in my dreams and I normally don't remember my dreams. Also, the Trident symbol has been appearing in my art for years, just always a form of inspiration for me. I thought that my owl jewelry could be a sign as well, as Poseidon and Athena are rivals according to Greek mythology, but now I'm afraid I might be Fluffy Bunnying, because I haven't made any kind of contact/stronger connection. Do you have any idea? I'm sorry if I'm bothering you

  62. Hi. The spirit animals I have encountered are a cat, fox, ram, dragon,jackal, hawk, lion, wolf and finally and currently the Griffin. I have worked before with Anubis and have been contacted by Fenrir in dreams and visions. Mostly about me setting him free. Would you have any clue to what all this could mean?

    1. To add to it. In it I always tame Fenrir.

  63. Hello,

    Its been a few months now that I had a really bad experience. I would honestly like to talk to you in a private message or email if that is possible. for about two weeks now I have been interested in walking through the cemetery that I always pass on my way to work. last night I had a dream where i was asking to contact hel, she appeared to my friends and I back in january and asked if I wanted her to be my norse matron, I of course agreed. My friends were able to see part of her outline and were able to find out who she was with the book I just bought that day. Im not able to see outlines. I have had contact with deities through dreams. I used to have visions but those stopped after the bad experience. with the dream i had with hel and having a feeling that i want to go to the cemetery i believe that she might want me to contact her.

  64. Hi,

    It's something I know all too well. There where quite a few places I went to due to that. Or I would see them in visions. Or visions about said place. Me through dreams as well. I sometimes can see them or other beings through my third eye though. It can mean many things. Literally to go there or symbolically. I have worked so far had Bastet,Sigyn, Khnum, Anubis, Horus and Fenrir show up. I worked with Bastet, Sigyn, Anubis and Fenrir. The others had more of a one time message. So perhaps I can help. If you want.

  65. I realise that this is an old article but I was looking for some guidance on something. When I was 11 I was playing by the embers of a fire on a camping holiday when I picked up a piece of metal mesh which somehow still hot even though I remember the everything else being cold. It immediately burnt the tips of the of my fingers and after I had put them in cold water I noticed the burns were in the shapes of runes. I come from a pagan family and at the time I was told that a god/goddess had marked me but that was it, I have no idea who it was or why they did it or why me. Due to my age, naivety and fear I immediately cut myself off from paganism entirely. I've always been curious about their meaning and but more recently I've been drawn into mythology and legends. I was wondering if you had any idea if it possibly was a god/goddess that tried to contact me and the possible meaning behind it? Thank you

  66. Hi when i was 11 i had a dream and i think i saw my patron deity i dreamt that i went inside a cave and inside it was beautiful i saw rocks grass and beautiful water and i saw a beatiful goddess wearing a white greek dress i still don’t know who she is but i think it’s Gaea is that possible?

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Hi. I go by Nyx, I'm 35. I'm in sort of a patron pickle, as it were. My first encounter with a deity was Persephone as a child of 11. After a time she seemed to fade into the background, and for the past 7 or 8 years, I've felt strongly connected to Nyx. But recently, there's been kind of a Persephone explosion, for lack of a better term. I'm seeing her name and feeling her energy like EVERYWHERE. I don't think I've ever felt a deity come on this strong. I've also had patron on the brain lately and I'm wondering if Persephone has come back to "claim me" so to speak. I'm feeling this pull super strongly, but I also don't want to offend Nyx, who I've been working with for quite sine time now (though I'm not sure if I would call her a patron). Really unsure of how to proceed. I just know Persephone is like, NOT gonna be put off.

  69. LOVED your blog😂. I agree Loki is....complicated. Hermes has recently re-entered my life, it's been over 20 years, and I think he enjoys a good argument to say the least. Odd, how things come about sometimes.

  70. This might sound strange to some, but I am so drawn to Medea. There's not a lot of information on her besides her ultimate form of revenge against her husband by killing her children. I have a son and in no way shape or form support what she did. But all other things about her i feel so connected with the point where i dont even want to read about anyone else. I have no desire. I haven't had any luck connecting with her but im also very new to this. My biggest issue is that i always fall asleep while meditating lol. And i haven't been dreaming lately which is weird since i used to have vivid dreams all the time . I do need her help with upcoming spell work though . Any suggestions? Thanks..

  71. Hey. I was wondering what signs you got for Anubis? Also do you have any experience with any moon deities. I think one may have taken an interest in me but I'm uncertain if I'm just being overly excited about having a patron deity or if there really is one contacting me.

    1. I got for signs with Anubis dreams in which he showed himself and saw jackals. I work currently with Artemis. If you tell me more about it then I can help pinpoint it for you.

  72. Since I was a child ive always been able to "feel" things are going to happen before they do. Wether its a phone ringing seconds after Ive picked it up, telling family members "I'll miss you" days before their death, or knowing things i shouldnt know like where my mother and uncle used to hang out when they were children, and another think that has always disturbed me is that I've always talked in my sleep and sometimes I wake myself up. I got curious recently and recorded myself sleeping to find I was having a conversation with my uncle who died 9 years ago. Ive only recently become interested and began studying and learning about being wiccan and plan on doing my dedication in less than a month.

    Could these be signs that a deity has touched me or chosen me, if so which one? I dont talk to many people (when im awake) so ill take all the help you can give me.

  73. Not really that distinctive. You just have a strong bond with those people and through dreams connect with people living or dead. Perhaps a deity connected with the other side would work for you. Like Anubis, Hermes for instance. Often there are specific signs such as things like an owl standing for Athena, raven for Odin, etc. There are objects and animals that have meanings. Find that and you find the deity.

    1. Lately I've seen a lot of stray dogs in my neighborhood, and frogs keep getting in my house somehow. Is there a deity that has those as their animal(s)?

      Sorry for the questions, i just dont have anyone else to talk to about this. I dont know any other pagans.

  74. There is an Egyptian frog god named Kek . Kek is the bringer in of the light before dawn. And stands for change. He is the one who walks between the light and the dark, between order and chaos. Stray dogs in ancient Greece are a sign of Artemis. In Egypt Anubis is associated with dogs.

  75. Could there possibly be signs i havent noticed? Like animals i have just gotten used to seeing so i dont pay attention to them? Or symbols i draw or dream of?

  76. Yes. It often are things like that. Often through dreams. More rarely in actual physical form.

  77. Ok stupid question, are there any deities that dogs, frogs, and ferrets are symbols or signs of? (I have a pet ferret)

    If im annoying you with all these questions i apologize, im just curious. I plan on meditating (after i learn how) so maybe a deity will come to me or something.

  78. So, the frog is also connected with Heqet.
    Who is connected to Hathor.
    Hathor is seen by the greeks as Io.
    Note "The ancients connected Io with the Moon,[22] and in Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, where Io encounters Prometheus, she refers to herself as "the horned virgin", both bovine and lunar."
    This is an older form of what became Artemis.

    Also a weasel the european equivalent of the ferret is connected to Lucina.
    Who is a form of Diana or in Greek Artemis.

    Hence all of this leading to Artemis being your patron Deity.

  79. “Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. She was the patron and protector of young girls, and was believed to bring disease upon women and relieve them of it. In later Hellenistic times, she even assumed the role of Eileithyia in aiding women during childbirth. Much like Athena and Hestia, Artemis preferred to remain a maiden and is sworn never to marry.
    A poem by Callimachus to the goddess "who amuses herself on mountains with archery" imagines some charming vignettes. Artemis, while sitting on the knee of her father, Zeus, asked him to grant her several wishes:
    o to always remain a virgin
    o to have many names to set her apart from her brother Phoebus (Apollo)
    o to have a bow and arrow made by the Cyclops
    o to be the Phaesporia or Light Bringer
    o to have a knee-length tunic so that she could hunt
    o to have sixty "daughters of Okeanos", all nine years of age, to be her choir
    o to have twenty Amnisides Nymphs as handmaidens to watch her dogs and bow while she rested
    o to rule all the mountains
    o any city
    o to have the ability to help women in the pains of childbirth.

  80. Artemis is one of the deities I work with. My new patron is Athena. It is interesting that she led me here to answer your question.

    1. I just did a small bit of research while waiting for your reply and i believe my patron is hecate. Her sacred animals are dogs, frogs, and polecats(the undomesticated form of a ferret). And she deals with crossroads, the spirits of the dead, and after reading about her i strangely feel like i know her from somewhere.I'll continue my research but keep Artemis in mind.

    2. Focus first on Hecate during meditation. It is then either one of the two who are likely. Through meditation you can then find out.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Replies
    1. My patron being Hecate would also explain my connection with death and spirits of the dead.

    2. Yes, it would. Hecate is also connected to magic and the practice of it.

  83. Then ig that answers why i can predict things, magick. Thank you for your help. If i am able to get in touch with Hecate during meditation i will try to let you know

  84. It is Hecate most likely. She is connected to all the other things. Even the story of Gallanthis. I wish you good luck with your journey. And may the gods guide you.


    Just read through this.

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  90. I would like help on finding out if I have a patreon God. From all that you've said I can say without a doubt that there is a Hod that wants to communicate with me but I am having a very hard time finding out who it is. I believe the God is related to the water element because I hear someone speaking to me within my thoughts when I'm in the shower or meditating with the sounds of the ocean. I have a suspicion that it could be Poseidon or the Roman version Neptune but I have no idea. Can you help me?

  91. Hi,uh this is really late I guess.But I'm not exactly sure if I do have ties with any God/godess.I've always felt a really strong connection towards butterflies and flowers though.I have had other flying creatures such at dragonflies and birds land on me multiple times.

    If you could help that'd be great!

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  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Hey! I'm Micah. I have always had a strong connection with cats, foxes and snakes. I recently have taken up learning the art of herbal medicine just out of the blue and can keep just about any plant alive, healthy and growing. I have always been in love with the moon and I'm an empath. I absolutely love storms and find them calming. Especially the huge lightning strikes. Plz help. I am very much connected with Native American Spirituality/Mythology, Norse Mythology and Egyptian Mythology. I've drawn close to Frey, Bast and Artemis since I was a lil kid. I have always loved archery and am amazing at it as well. Any way you could help!?!?

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  97. I dont know if this is something or not but, when I was a kid someone threatened to hurt me but eventually they went away. But since then I always feel like something with or watching me, the feeling I get (I'm guessing it) doesnt seem dangerous or bad, kind of protective, but I want to know if its something I should be concerned with

  98. I'm in need of an opinion on this subject, and while I know I'm a tad young, (17) I've been described as a peaceful or old soul. I grew up in a Christian household and it never really stuck. When I began researching different religions, Paganism stuck with me. throughout my life there's been many an odd situation which didn't necessarily seem normal. I've always had an affinity for working with animals, and I'm always compulsively listening music. Preferably Celtic or just more folk song-like. I always feel a deep sense of peace when in the woods, specifically at dusk or near streams. When I was younger I was infatuated with the middle ages, and just the simplicity of olden times. If you have any advice as for me where to look or even start, that would be phenomenal.

  99. I have a question. As I was starting to fall asleep, I asked the question "What is the name of my spirit guide?" I repeated this several times. The name Pan came into my head but I had just saw info of him in a group, so I knew that was more of my subconscious vs a legit name. The last thing I remember hearing is the name "Hermes" which I haven't heard that name for about 30 yrs and not a name I would've thought of myself. Do you think this was really Hermes contacting me? I didn't dream because I'd taken sleeping pill and lorazepam, which knocks me out completely. Anyway, if you think this was truly Hermes contact me, what is the meaning of him in my life/path? Why would he choose me?

  100. Hi! I’m new to all of this and wanted to know what you think about some things. I have felt a pull to research about patrons even though I’ve never been religious, and so I asked my tarot if I should pursue and it said I should. I also asked my tarot who my patron was and I drew the six of cups. I’ve been attracted to Aphrodite and Hecate a lot but I’m not sure which is my patron and if they’re actually calling for me. Any advice?

  101. Hello!

    My name is Kamden. I'm new to this patron thing but I can say this. I think its Apollo. Ever since i was a young child, ive always loved music. i couldnt fall asleep without music. now im a choir kid but i play instruments. i dont know if this helps but music kind of controls my moods. Im not a morning person but when i wake up, i feel like the sun.. idk it brings me joy. not to mention ive always wanted a snake. so please help me out?

  102. Uh hi, so I'm just getting into this stuff and, I'm trying to figure out who my Patron is. i think it's Dionysus, as I've been hearing the song The Cult Of Dionysus practically everywhere. But, I'm not sure. I mean, I've never had anything...Magical happen to me? Well, one time a hummingbird did fly straight up to my face and that never happened again and when my cat was put down last month I heard a meow but...I don't know what that means and I'm pretty sure Dionysus doesn't have humming birds or normal cats as his animal signs, so. I have no clue what I'm doing. If it's possible could you let me know of something of whats going on? I know I didn't give a lot but still. I'm super interested in all of this and I wanna know who my patron is. like I said earlier.

  103. I really want to figure out my patron deity but I just can't think of any signs. I'm very drawn to bright blues and greens and most animals. Small animals tend to like me more (i.e. cats, rats, ferrets) than bigger animals. I'm very new to all this and that's fine if my deity doesn't think I'm ready yet, I just want ideas as to whom mine might be. I've spent most of my life fearing irrational things and I've never really seen signs. Please help!

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  105. Hi, your story was very nice to read and I just have one question. I think that Hades might be my patron god. I've always been interested in ghosts, I think I may have been a snake in a past life and I've befriended a candle. No joke. I call her Fi. I can control her and can use her flame as pendulum. I asked her stuff about Hades being my patron god and she said he was. I asked if she was telling the truth and she said yes. My mother’s birthday is in Yule and mine is right after it. This all may seem random, but it’s not. One of Hades’s symbols are serpents. Serpents are snakes. They similar at least. Hades is strongest in Yule. Hades’s element is fire. Now I noticed all this before I went crazy and looked everything up. Mint is another symbol of his. I absolutely love mint and will eat tons of it. Even if it's straight from the ground. During last summer (I live in the USA) I went to Australia where some of my family is. After I left the wildfires happened. That's not really a good thing to happen and I only noticed it as I am writing this. Yesterday I got this weird bruise thing in the shape of a flame. I don't remember doing anything to get something like it. My question is, you said that gods may reach out to you during sleep or in dreams. I hardly ever dream/remember them. I normally get 7 hours or less of sleep. I think that's enough to enter R.E.M., when you dream. I'm pretty new to Wicca so I don't know much. I won't say exactly how old I am but I'm under 13. If you can tell if Hades is my patron god or if you know anything please tell me.


    1. It's Bubbles again! Thank you again for writing such an epic article and I have made contact with Hadez and he has confirmed that he is my patron god. The same day, my friend found that hers is Athena. The candle, Fi, was apparently sent by him.


  106. Hello...I need a little help, I'm in troubled times and I need a guidance and comfort...and I thought that to feel some guidance and comfort I would follow one of the God and goddess, I've studied greek, norse and Egyptian not to mention roman and one of my friends suggested Posiden since I love water and the sea and well you get it I have a strong attachment to the water and lived on a boat a quite awhile and I think of water as peaceful and such and I have a connection....thoughts?

  107. Ok, i am honestly here only cause of curiosity and probably stupid questions so i would love if you would bear with me TuT cause ima total noob.

    So 1. I have always called myself an atheist cause i dont belive in god BUT i do always belived there exists something cause it has proven its existence to me by- helping me?
    There has been numorous cases before every since i was a litlle kid where something had happened that would bring anger from my parents or just smt i did or smy that happened that i knew is going to have consequences and in most stresfull times ive always closed my eyes and begged. Just begger for it whoever is helping me to deal with this, and it has been SO many situations where there was no way of me escaping them-after i "prayed" to this being/energy i somehow always escaped or something that was supposed to ring TERRIBLE consequences only brought me peacefull argument with parents or smt. Like it always worked and thatswhy i have always held back on asking much from this being and only relying on its help when im seriously desperate cause they do make things better? Somehow? Its weird.
    And i genuenly dont know what it is so i just turned towards here to maybe get some answers.
    So far, in my life, as a kid(1-10) i cant really remeber much, dunno, just almoust nothing, only some flashes of memory but every since 10 or 12 i had yourney of weird discoverys that just appeared before me that i grew to love without any outer influence-
    1- skulls- i fking adore them now. The odea that someone has passed so you are able to preserve their biological existence as memory of thei life just amazes me. How i come to love them s that one day with mother we were sesrching for mushrooms in the forest and that was the first time i found clean kinda broken animal skull (as a side note it was alike a goat skull but without horns?? Like in forest?? I mean weird but can be just coincedence) and from there on i slowly grew from cat skulls to human skulls and wolf and then all skulls. Again- dont know if any of this si relevant,im just disclocsing some of the most weirdest things that appeared in my life.
    2- i love snakes? I have always liked lizards, geckos, some reptiles sure, but i never had the will to like snakes, i saw them as gracious and interesting beings sure but i also was always kind.of affraid of them? Also, im an Scorpio born in Snakes year and i knew that like 2 years before i grew to adore them. I just suddenly out of nowhere had the urge to look things up about them and just suddenly started having them as my favorite animal?
    3- crystals? I mean honestly again- dunno if anything of this is eve relavant- this whole thing just dropped on me within these past (3-5 years for skulls) 2~3 years exspecialy this one, might be outside influence, cause i just suddenly started seeing a lot of crystals in media and that just pulled me down a pothole of the need to discover all of them... i already have a pouch of handfull of them like fluorite, labradorite, aventurite,sodalite,jasper ect., but again, this probably maybe not even thag important?? Dont know.
    Also i grew to love black color, dunno.
    Im just godam confused and hope to find out if theres a way i know to name the entity/being and thank them somehow.
    The entity doesent seem active, they might be there watching n helping me only sometimes when i dont ask it but mostly its just as long as i beg and thank them. Dunno? I think??

  108. From a pagan stand point, I would have to say for the skull thing, maybe Lord Shiva? Snakes thers a good chance of Loki or hermes, and crystals is generally a pagan thing. U also should research about different deities and wiccan traditions to get more info. Most of it is based on your personality, which defines what you believe in.

  109. I keep seeing things about Aphrodite on social media and I see her name in my books does that mean anything? I really want to know if I have a patron but when I try to meditate and meet\see a deity or patron I can't visualize anything.

  110. Hi,I am a new witch. I wanted some other peoples options because I have a lack of experience and knowledge on the matter. People online have been telling me demons and fairy's pretend to be Gods/Goddesses. I have been working with some deity's and such people have been telling me that they are frauds. Does anybody have advise for what I can do?

  111. Hello, I'm not sure if you are still responding to this post but I have a question. I believe my patron God is Apollo because I was reading into him and he seems to have been in my life since I was a child. I didn't know until now. But my favorite and is a wolf, I can play multiple instruments, I write poetry when I feel something strong, he manifests as a snake and I have been obsessed with snakes since I was little and I share some of his values in loyalty and truthfulness. However, Hades has appeared to me in a dream and made his presence known to me so he has taken an interest. I don't really know. I was wondering if you could offer insight.

  112. Um. I'm really scared because I'm not sure but it seems multiple sky gods (i.e., Jupiter, Nut, ISIS, Zeus) Are reaching out and I have no idea how to deal with this properly.😕

  113. So, I have some crystals and some pictures of a waterfall I visited a while ago sitting on my windowsill. Sometimes, They will fall off randomly. Is it a sign or just gravity? Also, I keep seeing crows and shadows of large birds. Help meeeeeee.

    Thanks- Sophie

  114. Hi im a baby witch and I started about a few days ago and yesterday I went to the woods and I sat down to meditate and a frog hopped on my leg(And animals don't usually get along withme much) is this a sign from heqet or smomething please help me!


  115. Hi a year ago I got interested into norse mythology and its really intrigued me and i recently got interested in patron gods. I've wondered what mine was but wasn't sure. i love thunderstorms and was always able to tell when a storm was coming. But I've also been drawn to weapons and love battle scenes and play them out in my head. I was hoping if you could help me figure out if these are signs or if I'm connected to any gods or goddesses. Thanks!

  116. I am new. I got all excited because I assumed Hades would be the one for me, but instead of just jumping I wanted to do research and find out how to make sure he is and that I don't just "claim him"... Reading this I got discouraged at first because I felt like no one was calling to me until it hit me. Nyx. My entire life for as long as I can remember I have seen a shadow person. This figure is just there sometimes. When I am sad, have a bad day, randomly. I was young (I am talking like 6) when I first saw it, but over the years I felt loved and protected by it in a way. Recently everything about the moon has being calling to me. I literally cried. I am so happy. Your article opened me up to something I didn't know was happening.

  117. A question- I’m pretty new to all of this, but for about a year or a little more now I’ve been feeling some sort of presence in the air- as in, it lives in everything natural and earth made. In strange ways, it will answer questions I have or help me out if I ask for it. I’m also able to tell if something bad will happen based on the weather of the sky. I’ve always been drawn to nature, the forests and ocean and such, much more than others. I love to stop and admire everything, and just feel the life of nature around me. Are these signs of a patron god/goddess? I also recently discovered a bottle that for no reason had the same name on it I call this energy in the air. How can I tell exactly WHO my patron is? I think it might be Demeter or perhaps Persephone, but could you help me out?

  118. A question- I’m pretty new to all of this, but for about a year or a little more now I’ve been feeling some sort of presence in the air- as in, it lives in everything natural and earth made. In strange ways, it will answer questions I have or help me out if I ask for it. I’m also able to tell if something bad will happen based on the weather of the sky. I’ve always been drawn to nature, the forests and ocean and such, much more than others. I love to stop and admire everything, and just feel the life of nature around me. Are these signs of a patron god/goddess? I also recently discovered a bottle that for no reason had the same name on it I call this energy in the air. How can I tell exactly WHO my patron is? I think it might be Demeter or perhaps Persephone, but could you help me out?

  119. My given name is Hecate -- She appeared to my mother in a dream while she was pregnant with me. I think that's as easy as it gets LOL
    I'm looking at posts like these though because I think I'm being pulled toward Hades

  120. Hello there!!

    I'm not sure if this thread is still active. However, for the author of this post - I would like some assistance identifying my patron, I think!

    The first instance was a dream I had in which I was half awake, half asleep and I had a vision of lightning strike a tree down the middle in a wide-open field. I also heard thunder associated with it.

    The second was the masculine candle on my altar looked sad (I am much more of feminine energy so that made sense) so I put one red jade dragon, and a gold and red dragon I had next to it; which made it happy I think.

    The third was that the masculine candle is relatively calm on days of good weather or fair weather, whereas on stormy weather especially rain, lightning and thunder it has a strength and presence to it.

    The fourth instance is from when I was younger. I experienced sleep paralysis often, and during one episode I had a vision of an older man, bearded (grey most likely but I couldn't tell) who at first seemed terrifying and intimidating. Yet bent down with such concern and warmth like I would imagine a grandfather or father would do if you were sick, and put his hand on my forehead. He spoke in a different language, but it was definitely a male.

    The Fifth is when I was casting protection last night and meditating, I had leaned my head down in exhaustion and I felt someone touch my right arm and say "Raise your head and hold it high." It was an older man, much like the voice I heard when I was a child, and it was really commanding - but was super validating and strong at the same time.

    While at first I was considering Thor or Odin - I am more deeply connected to the greek pantheon. Thus I suddenly started seeing Zeus pop up everywhere. When I try to consider Odin and Thor, I get a weird feeling in my gut. I have researched other lightning/thunder gods as well - however, none that I feel resonate with the persona that I felt.

    I have always felt extremely drawn to Athena and thus dedicating my practice to her (even if she's not my patron etc.) was an easy choice.

    Thanks for any of your feedback

  121. Hi,im kinda late at this but if you're willing. I would be grateful if you could give advises.

    So im a baby witch, im new to witchcraft.
    But i have been practicing for a couple months now. And i know that you should be patient and wait for a god/goddess/diety to contact you. But at some point i started asking for some signs if any of them would be willing to work with me.

    And the signs i got were more scary and weird for me.
    First is i got scared by a huge spider that suddenly crawled onto my leg.
    It was a as big as my hand, and the second signs i noticed is that i kept on having these small accidents which caused wounds and bleeding and some rashes.
    And i know for myself that even though i am clumsy, i dont really get wounded easily.
    And the third sign was things around my house kept on breaking accidentally.

    And the God that i was admiring and wanting to cooperate with at that time was Dolos,
    The god of mischief and creativity. I thought, "was that a prank?".

    I also thought of Arachne, when the spider showed up to me. But i felt a connection with Dolos. I cant really explain it.

    And lastly, as i went on tiktok i saw that maybe a dark entity had an interest in me and since im new into the witch side,i dont really know much.

    So what i wanted to ask was if these signs are good or bad? Should i pay more attention to this or maybe its time for a cleansing?

  122. Cleansing wouldn't hurt. Even for a god of mischief, I'm not sure that he would hurt you as descdibed. It is very possible that a negative energy has been attracted to you if you don't have very strong protection. You can message me on Instagram(owo.angxl) or SC(autumn13x) if you need help on what to do to cleanse / protect 👉🏻👈🏻

  123. Apologies if this is a bit random, though from some of what I’ve read, that seems rather to be the norm.

    I am drawn to the moon and feel at peace when walking at night which is something I prefer overall walking in the day, which I also have a preference for the night as well. I prefer cats and have a disdain for most dogs save for those closer to their wolf ancestors, and far as from others tell me I also act fairly wolfish. Some days skittish and shy upon initial contact while other days or even when others, friends or otherwise challenge me in friendly or less than friendly manner I don’t budge. Mostly calm and collected, quite calculating.

    I have a huge interest in learning and researching cultures and their languages, currently aiming to learn Norwegian, German, Finnish, Gaelic, and Russian languages.

    I don’t really know what else to list/provide to perhaps help me learning in whether or not I might have a patron god currently or used to. I’m willing to learn other ways if possible

  124. Wow. So, probably like six-eight months ago. I astral interacted for the first time in my whole life. I came to and there was a raven headed bird man he came through my bedroom window and landed on my partner while he laid asleep and was picking at his insides. I was asleep, I screamed “ get out get out I Banish you GET THE FUCK OUT” but this bitch was still asleep. I jolted awake in this reality and started blubbering and turned the lights on yelling still vanishing as I woke up. I ran and got this palo santo stick I had gotten in like a box of spirit stuff which I have never used and just following my gut grabbed that and the biggest tourmaline I had and cleared the room continued to banish and like sealed the window , sorry he went out the window during some point of all that commotion. This had me spooked for a while, I was at that time just getting into sigil magic and I didn’t know if I summoned some shit. I was generally freaked out. I eventually just put it out of my mind but, it has come back up and now I have been seeing crows/blue jays everywhere (blue jays start as blackbirds) I am confused on what to do my friend sent me this article trying to help. I also identify with hawks but always more in a totem way, after my grandpa passed I had one come land very close to my car on my lunch break at work. I just don’t know who or what it is I have looked into Malphus and Raum ? Not a lot of good information, and although I practice my own thrift store magic that I spiritually connect with through Mother Earth, I do not have any Gods, I have not searched though. I am not sure it might just be a byproduct of being raised Catholic but I feel dis ease when I think about finding deities or gods. So I realized I was doing all this research assuming it was evil or trickery which it could be but I don’t know why it feels so real when I won’t even look into angles or ya know then light. But fuck it it’s all grey. What is my move?

  125. I feel drawn to music, the sun, and the summer. Could my patron deity be Apollo?

  126. I feel strongly connected to Apollo, I have always had a fascination with art, music, and dance, and as far as history, I LOVE reading about the Greek gods, and my favorite is always Apollo, there are times I feel a strong calling to him, sometimes obvious signs, too obvious to miss, that even make me think twice about it, and there are times, whenever I meditate, that I feel he is either with me, or watching over me, and giving me guidance, I don't know if this helps, but the number 7, appears to me as 777, too often to miss, and he is the first patron deity I think about, now sure if that helps discern, I have only ever gotten feelings of other gods, and goddesses, like his sister Artemis, Zeus, Thor, Athena, and Aphrodite

  127. I get strong feelings about Apollo, I have always had a fascination with art, music, dance, and even acting, I am also a morning person, considering he is a sun god, I LOVE reading about the Greek gods and goddesses, and he is my favorite, I don't know if this will help, but the number 7 appears to me as 777, too often to miss, and he is the first patron deity I think about, I have had vague feelings to his sister Artemis, Zeus, Athena, Thor, and Aphrodite, whenever I meditate, I get most guidance from him, and even signs, that are too obvious to miss, and keep me alert, even when I'm so busy, I wasn't paying attention before, then he comes to mind, and I ask him for guidance, my intuition seems to be pretty spot on too, whenever I write, I share what I write, with family, friends, classmates, even co workers, and it always appears to align a message to the right away, that somehow helps them on their spiritual journey, I am always told that I am intelligent, just for my intuition alone, being so spot on, also whenever I meditate, mermaids sometimes appear to me, though usually a tiger, and it always appears to be how Apollo makes me feel safe, because I have always been fascinated with mermaids, ever since I was a little girl, which is why I love the beach, and miss going during the pandemic, I actually feel a little disconnected without it, but whenever I just meditate, and talk to Apollo about my day, I feel safe, and protected, right away am a Vegan, so I don't believe in sporting the killing of animals, I even like reptiles, I even get fascinated with water reptiles like gators at gator land, because of how they educate us to keep a safe distance, and we don't have to harm them,I have always liked the story of Apollo and Daphne too, how can I discern properly that he might be my patron deity? Sometimes he makes me feel connected to him, even whenever I don't think about him right away, I grew up in a very Catholic family, so I have to discern for myself, in the privacy of my own bedroom, I like to sing too, and practice my instruments, I have a very unique high vocal range, even before the pandemic, if I sang, while I had a cold, you couldn't tell the difference, according to my friends and family and classmates

  128. (This is my third time trying to post this since it didn’t appear to work before, so apologies if it has posted every time)

    I’m seeking advice from experienced pagans! I am brand new to this and have questions.

    I have always been quite lucky in life, I even once got a 5 of a kind in poker with jokers in the deck. When I’m unlucky, it’s only in minor things, but hits hard. Even 2020 hasn’t been too bad to me, and I even got a job that pays double what I made before and will make triple within 3 years.

    Growing up, I never really believed in “other forces” besides karma and luck. However, when we started learning about Greek mythology in middle school, I was fascinated by it for some reason.

    Throughout my life, every time we moved, there was always a hawk that hung around nearby. It’s true that there was almost always a small field or meadow a mile or so away, but I always joked about it being my guardian. Could it have been?

    Lastly, I have recently been wondering if Gods do exist, particularly Greek Gods/Goddesses. Just the other night, I was laying in bed and had this thought, when I could have sworn that I felt three taps on the edge of my bed.

    I wanted to know if anyone had any advice or if I have just been overthinking this? Please and thank you!

    1. You can contact me on Snap at cini_nicki 485, or discord at Cubic Cini#9338 if you have advice!


  129. health could be dull if there was enough time. this is how I know the well-being revolution goes mainstream. right here is the capacity drawback. I dunno? that is my secret well being procedures that can be traced again years. The brilliant truth apropos to well-being is, nothing an awful lot will go wrong.


  130. I suppose that you will discover that is a justifiable alternative. proper now, it really is no longer without a doubt a question. wellbeing is quite effective. they will offer you incentives to do it with well being. i have written as this relates to well-being over and over once more.

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  132. Hello, I’ve just found your blog and I’d like to ask for your advice on something (of course should you want to help me, that is). I’ve just started my journey in the craft and recently I’ve found a ladybird on me/on my bedsheets as I was lying on the bed at night (it’s already happened twice, a week apart). Also I’ve always loved the sea and always had a strong connection to it. I was wondering if it might be a sign from Freya? Or maybe it’s just me, probably wishing there was some connection. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Have a nice day!!

  133. Hello, I’ve just found your blog and I’d like to ask for your advice on something (of course should you want to help me, that is). I’ve just started my journey in the craft and recently I’ve found a ladybird on me/on my bedsheets as I was lying on the bed at night (it’s already happened twice, a week apart). Also I’ve always loved the sea and always had a strong connection to it. I was wondering if it might be a sign from Freya? Or maybe it’s just me, probably wishing there was some connection. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Have a nice day!!

  134. Hi! I’m new to witchcraft, been practicing for almost a year now, but I have a few doubts, and if you could find an answer it would be great! (and even if you don’t thank you so much already for writing this article, it’s very helpful)
    The first thing I need you to understand is that I do everything by intuition. Something tells me to do it and I do it, and if that same something tells me not to do it, I don’t. I rely on my intuition very much and I also trust it with my life, since it hasn’t been wrong once. Okay, so. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always been drawn to Hades, and not only to him but to darkness in general. I was very drawn to greek mythology as well and Hades has always been my favourite. But in the last few months I’ve been seeing shadows. The first times I only saw them with the corner of my eye, and I thought nothing of it, but eventually they lead me to find a forgotten tarot deck that belonged to my grandma’s mother, which my mom didn’t know was interested in witchcraft. And now I see shadows much clearer, almost like a silhouette, but like it’s been coloured in with black. And I get the feeling that maybe it’s possible that they’re dead people, but I’m not really sure. I just know that they’re here to deliver a message and that I shouldn’t intervene. On top of that, I’m drawn to everything regarding death (for example the other day I was searching for crystals and there was one I didn’t know and that I felt very drawn to and turns out it’s main use is to make people be okay with death). I have other examples, but I don’t wanna bore you, and essentially I was wondering if you would consider this a sign that maybe I should try and work with Hades or if I’m just linking things that don’t make sense. Thank you so much for reading through all of this and for writing this article, you’re great!!!

  135. Um, I’m not really good at this kind of thing but I was wondering if you could answer my question, I completely get it if you can’t and it’s absolutely no problem whatsoever, but I was scrolling through TikTok three days ago and say a video about the goddess Nyx calling out to me or something like that, and just again today I saw another. And for some reason I can’t get the thought out of my head. I thought it was weird at first, as when I first read her name it sent shivers up my spine and gave me goosebumps. But as my dog just passed away this afternoon, I started reading up on it and found your post, and I was just wondering if there was any knowledge you could give me. Thanks you and again I’m sorry to bug you and I’m sorry if this isn’t the right place to ask this.

  136. Um, I’m not really good at this kind of thing but I was wondering if you could answer my question, I completely get it if you can’t and it’s absolutely no problem whatsoever, but I was scrolling through TikTok three days ago and say a video about the goddess Nyx calling out to me or something like that, and just again today I saw another. And for some reason I can’t get the thought out of my head. I thought it was weird at first, as when I first read her name it sent shivers up my spine and gave me goosebumps. But as my dog just passed away this afternoon, I started reading up on it and found your post, and I was just wondering if there was any knowledge you could give me. Thanks you and again I’m sorry to bug you and I’m sorry if this isn’t the right place to ask this.

  137. Um, I’m not really good at this kind of thing but I was wondering if you could answer my question, I completely get it if you can’t and it’s absolutely no problem whatsoever, but I was scrolling through TikTok three days ago and say a video about the goddess Nyx calling out to me or something like that, and just again today I saw another. And for some reason I can’t get the thought out of my head. I thought it was weird at first, as when I first read her name it sent shivers up my spine and gave me goosebumps. But as my dog just passed away this afternoon, I started reading up on it and found your post, and I was just wondering if there was any knowledge you could give me. Thanks you and again I’m sorry to bug you and I’m sorry if this isn’t the right place to ask this.

  138. Hi!
    I'm sorry to bother you but I had a couple of questions and I was hoping you could help me.

    I'm new in all this stuff, and I think that I have 3 dietist around me.
    Let me explain better.
    It's been a couples of year since I started to see Hades everywhere. I often think about him, I hear his name and I see things related to him, so I thought he was calling me. Easy right?
    But I also felt some kind of connection to Apollo too, we have a lot of things in common, like the fact that I'm a musician nd I like art and archery.
    So I started to think that maybe they were both my Gods, if that's even possible?
    The thing is, recently I have been feeling connected to a third God, a Goddess actually, Persephone. I've been thinking about her, I've been seeing and hearing things that remind me of her and I have an insanely want of pomegranate...
    I don't know if this is normal honestly, and if it is, I definitely need a reassurance.

    My other doubt was about how to communicate with my Gods. How do you interact with them? How can you see them? And how can you actually talk to them?

    I'm sorry, I'm so confused about this.
    Thank you for your time!

  139. This is a testimony that i will tell to every one to hear. i have been married four 4 years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2 years until i meant a post where this man DR. Osasu: have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my love Husband home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48 hours as he have told me, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make every one of you in similar to met with this man and have your lover back to your self His email: ( you can also contact him or WhatsApp him on this +2347064365391 thank so much

  140. This is very informative. Thanks for sharing your informative article with us. Keep up the fantastic work.
    Justin Atlan

  141. Hey! I'm new to deities and all that, and I'm not doing any deity work just wanting to learn more before I actually do, but I've been drawn to butterflies, I always have, and just weirdly stare at them and space out, I feel connected to them, but I'm unsure if it's just my liking or it could be something more than that.

  142. I was born and raised as a Christian, and am a active believer. I have always been interested in learning about other religions and mythologies. This past month I took the VTNE to become fully certified as a vet tech. Leading up to the day of my test I was really nervous about wether I would pass or not (not to mention the exam fee was over $300!). The morning of my exam I went to the bank to open a savings account, but was turned away due to new covid procedures. On my way out of the bank I looked up to see a hawk flying over head and young hare hopped over to me, stood on its hind paws, and stared at me for around a minute or two. After it hopped off I followed it hoping to find where it scarred off to, only to find no trace of a hole on the bank's property. Later that day as I was sitting outside before my exam I saw a similar looking hawk flying around above like at the bank. I guess seeing another hawk gave me a little more peace of mind before taking my exam. After my test (which I passed!!) I found the same hawk sitting in the tree across the parking lot and a young hare eating clovers in the shade giving off by the tree. I felt peaceful but also a bit confused of why I kept seeing these two animals the day of my test.

    I read in an article once written by a professor that studied greek mythology indepth, that Hermes became the god that would watch over herds and kept a watchful eye over those who worked in jobs pertaining to animal husbandry (which is a big part of a vet tech's job).

    With three encounters with these animals on the same day really seems to stand out to me. I've also have had the same dream in the past month where I'm working with cattle in a open field framed by trees. I look to my right an see a cow struggling to give birth so naturally I was over to assist with the birth. Once the calf is born I walk down to a nearby stream to was off my hands and arms and when I stand to reach for the cloth I brought with mean a hand touches my shoulder. I turn to see a young man smiling at me telling me 'good job' leaving me absolutely stunned since I thought I was was alone. Shortly after I wake up finding myself alone in my dark room.

    Is this dream and my encounter with hawks and hares signs?

    But I'm a christian and believe in God.

    I could really use some advice!

  143. Hi. For a while now, I've been curious about patron deities, and wondered if I might have one. As of now, I have yet to find a god that I feel particularly drawn to. When it comes to religions, I've been jumping around quite a bit, so I've come to learn about a variety of different gods. Yet, that hasn't helped me much so far. I have loved any rocks ever since I can remember. I almost always end up with pockets full of them when I'm outside. I get along well with animals. Also feel very drawn snakes and especially sheep. Any ideas? Might also add that around a year ago, it felt as if there was someone watching me. Whenever I felt them, they would always communicate through feelings. They were mostly reassuring, protective, and sometimes bordering on possesive. Someone recomended Divination to me, and as soon as I got into that. the feelings and wherever they came from dissapered. So I never found out what they were.

  144. I'm not sure if Loki is trying to get my attention, but I had so many spiders in my house, when I never had any before; ravens were roosting everywhere and for the 3rd year in a row, all around my front porch are mushroom circles. I know someone is trying to catch my attention, but not exactly who.
